Introducing myself

How I got to Desteni

Hi my name is Sylvie, 44 of age and I grew up in a village in between the farmlands in the south, currently living in a village in the middle / rural of the Netherlands where
they have three christian religions lol. I’ll share some of my experiences here
with you. In the ’90s I did some university Law and Logistics Organization College ‘on the record’. Backed out of Law soon because I could not agree to for example the definition of ‘debt’ in criminal law practice. I hung around with all kinds of people (elitists to street junkies:), curious at what everyone was up to. I liked reading and seeing self into a whole range of separated fields – so-to-speak, cause I had found out in elementary school that there was much censoring going on. Worked / working retail / service jobs except from 1996-2010 I’ve been ‘out of the system’ with a lot of consequence…

From about 2008 I was doing more and more researches on the ‘contents’ of mind, body and soul – especially wanted to read somewhere about projections and thoughts and feelings being perceptions as I picked upon in high school – how and why this
persistence in thoughts and feelings as I became to realise people take them for real or define it as life / truth, but I couldn’t explain myself they are not real – till one day a year and a half ago I was typing in the word mind into the search engine and so got to
Desteni. I don’t know the exact date when I got to Desteni – it was more of a gradual process. When I read the words EQUALITY AND ONENESS in the upper left hand corner on the site I quite immediately knew this may be ‘it’! “We don’t cover our eyes from the dark and the ugly”. Something had told me it wasn’t coming from the west, nor
the east nor it would come from the north, so it had to come from the south. No surprise there that Desteni is being stationed in South-Africa. Furthermore there had been anouncements about heaven’s portal to ‘split open’ and man’s secrets coming out – so for me the existence of the interdimensional portal was of a direct understanding as quantum physical and listened to and enjoyed many portal videos – going to friends with them and have them listen.
Stopped reading other scriptures and went through a lot of articles in english and dutch – reading the hell out of myself. So on the ‘perspective’ of thoughts, feelings and emotions – aah finally. They are of the mind, not of the soul! That made sense. When I was about 15 I could not accept for example the statement of René Descartes I
think therefor I exist” 
and said so in class but got all their systems at me in stead; to read the transcript of his correction on this statement on the Desteni websitemade all the sense to me – to put it lightly. Pff my mind could deflate through self forgiveness which I started immediately – seeing the allowences and acceptances. Self honesty what a living words. Writing out many things on paper I did already most of my life, but have much to work on that so it flows. In four months most of the worst pains / physical mind fears I had able to release through reading, applying self forgiveness and self corrective actions. Proof in the physical.
That there were three layers [of the mind] was not new to me. The existence of Anu and his friends and the White Light were a huge eye-opener to me as I was into Jesus’ words from when I was a child and still nothing changed really sin ce – worsening even. In Desteni I Process Lesson 1 this month I read what the original sin was / is –
spitefulness. Also finally having proof by Desteni that sex is empty. Joohoo.

Years before, it had not escaped me that ‘I/ we were inverted’ / ‘had to repent’ for moving away / apart from self as eachother as I shared with a female friend I was doing
inner / outer research with – in integrity we dared to open up and unveal / discover self. Unfuck ourselves. I stop being the stand back kind of type and stand up and take responsibility for all points to see and change.

Why I stand with and for Equal-Money and World-Equality

Kind of funny is that it got through me as I told it to some others two decades ago
that everything will be different in forty years time, that there will be another money system in which we do not have to fear anymore. Out of my mind? To not stand with and for an Equal Money System would be sheer self deceit, so to me to stand with and for an Equal Money System is pure common sense which is what’s best for all.

In dutch there was this expression “when you are born as a dime, you can never be a
quarter”- this is stating and allowing ourselves a way of limitation due to the sum of money one’s family has. From thereon the current system would be keeping on reigning in blood as to where one is born determines immediately where you end. This has to stop so that all other allowed limitations can be solved over generations and
to not walk into the same shit we created over and over again.

What I understand to be Heaven on Earth

Heaven, paradise, garden of eden re-instated on Earth, where polarity conflict no
longer ribs apart humanity / universe and we can live as equals as Life here Free of Fear is to realise that Earth is that very place – not the fuck into heaven as the head – and that we have to do that ourselves is getting our asses together to do this for eachother as love is to love your neighbour as yourself – equal in matter. Our
citizenship as equal and one is here – Life is here is bring ourselves here!

Some of the videos that have really stood out to me:

  • Desteni farm videos – (shave hair) videos of participants
  • Esteni’s videos on astma
  • Andrea’s videos
  • SELF HONESTY is the key
  • UNCONSCIOUS Mind is the ONENESS of Human Nature
  • 79 Sex and Spirituality — The Divine Orgasmic Spirituality
  • 80 Sexual Rebirth and the Divine Man
  • FREEDOM HERE –  Only the Physical is REAL – Reptilian ENLIL 5
  • 1 – The Secret of Atlantis — Where is Atlantis?
  • 15 Atlanteans KNEW Annunaki will never succeed in Ruling
  • Creation and Design of Human Form by Annunaki and Atlanteans
  • 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012
  • Annunaki, Serpents and Sirians Planned to be GODS on Earth
    before Dinosaurs Era
  • HoM 36 – Creations of Demons: Desteni

Research at —

Join for discovering yourself

At the End of the World — LIFE will be born from the Physical – Nostradamus 5

At the End of the World — LIFE will be born from the Physical – Nostradamus
And I am continuing the conversation of the process that is currently manifesting Here on Earth. That is already Here on Earth.
Human Beings realize this: that we as you will take all the necessary steps and do whatever it takes to have you realise Who you Are.
Lets take it from this Perspective: If you were the only one that knew the truth, the actuality and the realization of Who you Are as Equal and One with who each and every single human being is.
You know who each and every single Human Being is. You know each and every single dimensional being is. You know who and what each and every single expression in existence is, as One and Equal with you.
To what extent would you have gone, to what extend would you go to have each one realise Who they Are To the Absolute Extent. Same as what were doing in the Dimensions.
But first, we have to Stop, we have to Stop the Manifested creation of what we have accepted and allowed for eons of time. Because the Old must go for the New to step forth.
The Old, would be all that you have ever known, would be all that you have ever trusted, all that you have ever loved, all that you have ever placed worth in, all that you have ever placed value in, all relationships that bind you, all relationships that define you, all relationships that tie you = must be given up. Must be let go of. And must be released.
Because it is such relationships that are forever binding you, tying you and constraining you to the limitation of that which has been accepted and allowed in this World as Human Beings which have manifested the current atrocity we call Life, we call this World.
And Human Beings, it is very simple. You have to stand alone. All, One, Alone. Each and every Single one is actually alone in this Process. Are Human Beings bodies conjoined to-together? No. I am Alone. I am Al-One. And so it is, and so it will be, and it is Done.
And Human Beings, Fear of Loss will manifest, is manifesting. You will lose, that which you fear losing Youve been existing in Fear of Loss for too long, youve been living in Fear of Survival for too long.
So anything and all, that define you, that youve placed value in or worth in that is separate from yourself that have created and designed the strings of relationships that Limit you, that Bind you and that Tie you is your part to let go of.
All that, All such relationships. You must be Free within yourself. You must not be caged by anyone. You must not be bound by anyone or anything and you must not be tied to anyone or anything.

And if you still dont want to hear Human Beings, if you still dont want to give up that which is required to be given up, for you to realise yourself, if you dont want to release yourself from the relationships that bind and tie you and limit you to your miniscule existence Hear this Human Beings: Those that you Love will start dropping around you like flies, many will die. But many will die for reason, for a purpose. And that purpose is for certain Human Beings in this World who are to remain here and walk this process of Oneness and Equality to realise themselves. Because those that leave and have decided to go and remove themselves, their choices already made, will be more effective in Heaven.

If this is not understood now, it will be understood at Death.

You have the Physical Death that will take place, with many Human Beings and then you have the Actual Death while youre still Here on this Earth Plane, the Death of Yourself as Consciousness and the Birth of Yourself as Life. Where Life will be born from the Physical.


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